continuous integration

git greenbase means never pulling a broken build

If your team uses Git and Continuous Integration, chances are good that your workflow could benefit from git greenbase. But first, strap on your VR headset and experience the perils of git pull through the eyes of our seasoned developer, Karen. Table of Contents Karen vs the broken build Where vanilla git pull falls short git greenbase to the rescue! What about local feature branches? Installing git greenbase But what about Mac and Windows?

Hard up for hosting: From DigitalOcean, to AWS, to Heroku.

The year was 2016. I was a hobbyist with ideas to burn. Naturally, I needed an inexpensive hosting provider for my latest web app. Where would I start? Who would prove to be the elusive “hostess with the mostest?” This is the story of my migration to and from DigitalOcean, AWS, and Heroku – the trial and error, the pros and the pain points. You’ve seen the archetypal hero’s tale. Now cinch up your belt, oil your sword.

Psake automates your .NET build using PowerShell. Here's how.

What is Psake and why do you want it? Psake is a build automation tool written in PowerShell. That means you don’t have to mess around with MSBuild scripts and trying to force procedural code into a declarative XML format - which is just weird. Psake frees you from the shackles of awkwardness. But how does it work? With Psake, you write a PowerShell script consisting of one or more build “tasks” which you can invoke from PowerShell, or even from a continuous integration build server. You invoke your build task via the Invoke-Psake function or, more commonly, via a build.ps1 or build.bat script. Each build task can depend on zero or more other build tasks, and it’s possible to set a default build task. Each build task can do whatever you’d like, including cleaning your solution, building your assemblies, running your acceptance tests, running your unit tests, generating code coverage reports, packaging the binaries in a zip file, a NuGet package, etc. If you dream it, Psake will build it. In 18 seconds Psake builds it, tests it, and packages it. Boom.